College Newsletter


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2024, Term 4



Farewell Class of 2024

Elizabeth Hanney


This final newsletter for 2024 coincides with the graduation of the outstanding Class of 2024 – great women of Siena! From our College Captains, Amy Duffy and Melania Flunt, along with fellow leaders and together with every student, they have been a pleasure to know and educate.

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Approaching the Finish Line: Key Dates and Celebrations Ahead

Donna Laughlin

Deputy Principal Learning and Teaching

We are heading into the final quarter and the finish line is in sight! It is nearly time to enjoy the sunshine! Examinations for our Year 9 to Year 11 students will take place at the end of this term while our Year 12 students will begin their VCAA exams on Tuesday, 29 October.

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Immunisation and Online Safety Resources for Parents

Minna Jewell

Acting Deputy Principal Wellbeing

The Secondary School Immunisation Program offers free vaccines provided by the National Immunisation Program each year to students in Year 7 (HPV and Diphtheria/Tetanus/Whooping cough) and Year 10 (Meningococcal ACWY).

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A Siena Tradition of Service and Connection

Bronwyn Ilott

Director of Faith and Mission

One of the Siena traditions in Term 4 is to support St Mary’s House of Welcome. Amidst the busyness of the term and the anticipation of the upcoming holidays, our community is encouraged to pause, reflect and give to members of the wider community who are experiencing homelessness or disadvantage, and who seek the services and support of St Mary’s House of Welcome.

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Developing Study Skills for Lifelong Learning Success

Anne Rogan

Director of Learning and Innovation

This year we launched our Enhancement Program, providing an opportunity to work with students on study skills and to further embed the principles of the Siena Learner.

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Unveiling the 2025 Student Leaders

Peta Mackintosh

Head of Student Formation

Further to our 2025 College Captains announcement in August, we are excited to introduce the student leaders for 2025 who will play pivotal roles in fostering a vibrant College community.

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Lights, Camera, Action! Solo Performances and Storybook Showcases

Sandra Siapantas


Congratulations to our talented VCE Drama students who recently completed their Solo Performance Examination and we hosted our Senior Drama Performance Evening in the Susan Alberti Auditorium on Monday, 7 October. Year 9 Centrestage Drama students also had the opportunity to perform at Hartwell Primary School.

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Students Explore Aboriginal Culture at the Wurrdha Marra Exhibition

Amanda Sica


On Monday, 14 October, students visited the National Art Gallery of Victoria for a guided tour of the Wurrdha Marra exhibition, the first permanent exhibition celebrating Aboriginal culture and design at the Ian Potter Centre.

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